Gender Equality

A collection of self-paced e-learning courses related to gender equality.

 •  Introductory Quiz to Gender Equality
 •  Introduction to Gender Equality
 •  How Sida works with Gender Equality
 •  Gender Equality in Contribution Management
 •  Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH) in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance (also available as a stand-alone course)

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Integrated Conflict Perspective in Anyland 

The conflict perspective is one out of five prioritised thematic perspectives in Swedish development cooperation. According to the Swedish Government’s instruction to Sida, the conflict perspective should be considered in Sida’s operations. To Sida, the term ‘conflict perspective” is the same as conflict sensitivity. It builds on the recognition that humanitarian assistance and development cooperation activities that are implemented in the different types of contexts become part of that context and will have effects on it, for better or for worse.

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Sida's strategic approach to Environment and Climate, the EMS

This course is a short learning module for all Sida’s staff and partners. It will take you on a journey across the globe, to learn more about Sida’s Environmental Management System and how you can contribute to reduce Sida’s environmental footprint and contribute to positive environmental performance.

The Environmental Management System (EMS) is the foundation of Sida’s work within environment and climate change.

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Human Rights Based Approach

The HRBA entails putting the human rights of people living in poverty and oppression at the centre of development cooperation. The HRBA is one of five perspectives that are compulsory to apply in Swedish development cooperation. All development co-operation, in all thematic areas, should further the realisation of human rights as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.

Sida uses the PLANET tool to support Sida staff in applying the HRBA – in planning, assessment and follow-up of a contribution. PLANET can also guide you when you analyse a context, operationalise a development strategy and in dialogue with partners. This course will take you through each component of the PLANET tool, exploring what HRBA means and how it can be applied. You will also find related links and references to further reading material.

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Putting the Pieces Together – Environmental integration for both people and the planet

Sida is a central actor to contribute to the transformational change needed to ensure every person’s right and opportunity to live a decent life. Realizing this vision requires us to have a common understanding of sustainable development within the safe operating space of a stable and resilient planet. This course establishes the links between poverty reduction and the environment; defines Sida’s role in this intersection; and provides opportunities to practice integrating environment, climate change and biodiversity into operations. The course will provide you with the missing piece of the poverty puzzle.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Basic Concepts, Challenges and Guiding Documents

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is a key priority for Swedish development and humanitarian assistance. The right to decide over one’s own body and sexuality is an important issue for Sweden and is reflected in many of our strategies and dialogue plans.

This training provides the basic information on SRHR that all staff should be aware of. The content is based on the revised Dialogue for Change on SRHR, published by the Swedish Government Offices in 2022.

The course has been designed for all employees at Sida and the Swedish Foreign Service. Partners may also find it useful but they are not the primary target.

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Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH) in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance

In this course you will learn more of what SEAH is and what you can do, Sweden’s commitments and the international framework. You will also encounter a case of SEAH yourself, asking you to apply what you have learnt, and learn more as you go along.

The course takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and ends with a short knowledge test. The certificates mentioned in the course are only available to employees of Sida and the Government Offices.

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Nexus Essentials Course

This online-based course is designed to help develop a common understanding of Nexus approaches across the humanitarian, development and peace (HDP) pillars.
The course is accessed at Nexus Academy’s platform. You need to create an account for this.
Nexus Academy is an initiative of the DAC-UN Dialogue. Common good powered by UNDP Crisis Academy.

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Última alteração: sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2024 às 16:58